9907-167 – Woodward

WOODWARD 9907-167是一款数字电子调速器,广泛应用于工业自动化、电力系统、通信设备、医疗设备等领域。它设计坚固耐用,能在恶劣的环境中可靠运行,并具有高度的电气干扰免疫力,确保在各种复杂电磁环境中都能保持稳定的性能。


  • 输入电压:24 VDC
  • 输出电流:10 A(或根据产品型号有所不同)
  • 额定功率:1200 W
  • 转速范围:0至3000 RPM
  • 精度:±0.25%
  • 通信接口:RS-485等(可能还有其他接口,具体取决于产品型号)
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
  • 售后服务完善: 我们提供完善的售后服务,一年质保


9907-167 – Woodward

WOODWARD 9907-167是一款数字电子调速器,广泛应用于工业自动化、电力系统、通信设备、医疗设备等领域。它设计坚固耐用,能在恶劣的环境中可靠运行,并具有高度的电气干扰免疫力,确保在各种复杂电磁环境中都能保持稳定的性能。


  • 输入电压:24 VDC
  • 输出电流:10 A(或根据产品型号有所不同)
  • 额定功率:1200 W
  • 转速范围:0至3000 RPM
  • 精度:±0.25%
  • 通信接口:RS-485等(可能还有其他接口,具体取决于产品型号)



  • 高可靠性:采用优质元件和坚固耐用的设计,确保设备的稳定运行。
  • 宽工作温度范围:能在-40°C至+85°C的温度范围内正常工作。
  • 精确控制:采用先进的PID控制算法,实现对转速的精确控制。
  • 易于使用:提供直观的用户界面,易于操作和维护。

WOODWARD 9907-167广泛应用于汽电联产、发电厂、工业领域以及船舶动力系统中,主要用于控制汽轮机、泵、风扇、压缩机等设备的转速和输出功率,以满足各种应用场景的需求

The WOODWARD 9907-167 is a digital electronic speed controller widely used in industrial automation, power systems, communication equipment, medical devices, and other fields. It features a robust and durable design that can operate reliably in harsh environments and exhibits a high immunity to electrical interference, ensuring stable performance in various complex electromagnetic environments.


  • Input Voltage: 24 VDC
  • Output Current: 10 A (or varies depending on the product model)
  • Rated Power: 1200 W
  • Speed Range: 0 to 3000 RPM
  • Accuracy: ±0.25%
  • Communication Interface: RS-485, etc. (other interfaces may be available depending on the product model)

Functional Characteristics:

  • High Reliability: Utilizes high-quality components and a rugged design to ensure stable operation.
  • Wide Operating Temperature Range: Operates normally within a temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.
  • Precise Control: Implements precise speed control using advanced PID control algorithms.
  • Easy to Use: Provides an intuitive user interface for easy operation and maintenance.

Application Areas:
The WOODWARD 9907-167 is widely used in cogeneration, power plants, industrial fields, and ship power systems. It is primarily used to control the speed and output power of steam turbines, pumps, fans, compressors, and other equipment to meet the needs of various application scenarios.

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