8200-1302 Woodward

Woodward 8200-1302 调速器是一种用于控制发动机、涡轮机、发电机和其他旋转设备转速的设备。该调速器具有模块化设计,允许用户根据应用需求添加或更改模块。它还配备了通信接口,可与其他控制系统和设备进行通信,实现数据交换和远程监控。


  • 输入电压范围:18-36 VDC隔离
  • 工作温度范围:-22-158华氏度
  • 屏幕尺寸:8.4英寸液晶显示器
  • 通信接口:Modbus通信端口
  • 控制输出:两个4-20 mA控制输出
  • 触点输入:二十个触点输入,前四个默认用于停机提升速度设定点、复位和降低速度设定点
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
  • 售后服务完善: 我们提供完善的售后服务,一年质保


8200-1302 Woodward

Woodward 8200-1302 调速器是一种用于控制发动机、涡轮机、发电机和其他旋转设备转速的设备。该调速器具有模块化设计,允许用户根据应用需求添加或更改模块。它还配备了通信接口,可与其他控制系统和设备进行通信,实现数据交换和远程监控。


  • 输入电压范围:18-36 VDC隔离
  • 工作温度范围:-22-158华氏度
  • 屏幕尺寸:8.4英寸液晶显示器
  • 通信接口:Modbus通信端口
  • 控制输出:两个4-20 mA控制输出
  • 触点输入:二十个触点输入,前四个默认用于停机提升速度设定点、复位和降低速度设定点



  • 速度控制:旨在控制设备的转速,以满足特定的运行需求,提供精确的速度控制
  • 模块化设计:允许用户根据应用的需要添加或更改模块
  • 通信功能:配备通信接口,可与其他控制系统和设备进行通信,实现数据交换和远程监控
  • 稳定性:设计成具有高度稳定性,确保设备的可靠运行
  • 自诊断功能:能够检测设备问题并提供相关信息,有助于用户及时发现并处理故障

Woodward 8200-1302 调速器广泛应用于各种工业自动化和控制应用,包括但不限于发电、航空、石油和天然气、制造业、船舶和电力工业等领域

The Woodward 8200-1302 speed controller is a device used to control the speed of engines, turbines, generators, and other rotating equipment. This speed controller features a modular design, allowing users to add or modify modules based on application requirements. It also comes with communication interfaces to enable data exchange and remote monitoring with other control systems and devices


  • Input Voltage Range: 18-36 VDC isolated
  • Operating Temperature Range: -22 to 158 Fahrenheit
  • Screen Size: 8.4-inch LCD display
  • Communication Interface: Modbus communication port
  • Control Outputs: Two 4-20 mA control outputs
  • Contact Inputs: Twenty contact inputs, with the first four defaulted for shutdown speed setpoint, reset, and reduced speed setpoint

Functional Features:

  • Speed Control: Designed to control the speed of equipment to meet specific operational demands, providing precise speed control
  • Modular Design: Allows users to add or modify modules based on application needs
  • Communication Capability: Equipped with communication interfaces to enable data exchange and remote monitoring with other control systems and devices
  • Stability: Designed with high stability to ensure reliable operation of the equipment
  • Self-Diagnostic Capability: Able to detect equipment issues and provide relevant information, assisting users in timely detection and handling of faults

Application Fields:
The Woodward 8200-1302 speed controller is widely used in various industrial automation and control applications, including but not limited to power generation, aviation, oil and gas, manufacturing, shipping, and power industries

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