ABB 1SBP260020R1001 07CR41

ABB 1SBP260020R1001 07CR41 涡流传感器是一种利用涡流效应来测量流体流速的传感器。它通过放置在流体中的振动探头(也称为振子或涡轮)产生的涡流来测量流体的流速和流量。


  • 高准确性:通过精确的涡流效应测量,确保流速和流量的准确测量。
  • 稳定性好:适用于各种流体和温度条件,提供稳定的测量结果。
  • 易于安装:通常采用标准化的安装方式和接口,便于安装和维护。
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
  • 售后服务完善: 我们提供完善的售后服务,一年质保


ABB 1SBP260020R1001 07CR41

ABB 1SBP260020R1001 07CR41 涡流传感器是一种利用涡流效应来测量流体流速的传感器。它通过放置在流体中的振动探头(也称为振子或涡轮)产生的涡流来测量流体的流速和流量。


  • 高准确性:通过精确的涡流效应测量,确保流速和流量的准确测量。
  • 稳定性好:适用于各种流体和温度条件,提供稳定的测量结果。
  • 易于安装:通常采用标准化的安装方式和接口,便于安装和维护。


  • 工业流程控制:在工业自动化中,用于测量和监控流体的流速和流量,以控制流程和系统。
  • **暖通空调(HVAC)**:监测和控制水流、空气流等
  • 供水和排水系统:监测供水和排水系统中的流体流速和流量,确保系统正常运行
  • 能源监测:监测流体在能源生产和分配过程中的流速和流量
  • 石油和天然气行业:测量油气流体的流速和流量


The ABB 1SBP260020R1001 07CR41 vortex flow sensor utilizes the vortex effect to measure the flow rate of fluids. It measures the flow rate and flow volume of fluids through the vortex generated by the vibrating probe (also known as a rotor or turbine) placed in the fluid

Functional Characteristics

  • High Accuracy:Ensures accurate measurement of flow rate and flow volume through precise vortex effect measurement.
  • Good Stability:Applicable to various fluids and temperature conditions, providing stable measurement results.
  • Easy Installation:Adopts standardized installation methods and interfaces, facilitating installation and maintenance.

Application Fields

  • Industrial Process Control:Used in industrial automation to measure and monitor fluid flow rate and flow volume for process and system control
  • **HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)**:Monitoring and controlling water flow, airflow, etc.
  • Water Supply and Drainage Systems:Monitoring fluid flow rate and flow volume in water supply and drainage systems to ensure normal system operation
  • Energy Monitoring:Monitoring fluid flow rate and flow volume in energy production and distribution processes
  • Oil and Gas Industry:Measuring the flow rate and flow volume of oil and gas fluids

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