TRICONEX 3481是一款功能强大、性能稳定的工业自动化设备,适用于各种工业自动化领域。


  • 控制器类型:TRICONEX 3481
  • 操作方式:一键式启动和停止,具备手动和自动两种控制方式,并可以自由转换
  • 屏显内容:包括当前温度、风油门开度、目标值显示、故障自诊等
  • 控制能力:在手动控制状态下能单独控制风机、油泵、油门大、油门小、风门大、风门小、电点火、电磁阀等设备
  • 温度控制:温度控制能保证在目标值±3℃范围内,并具有超温报警保护措施(报警温度可由用户自由设定)
  • 接口与通讯:备有计算机通讯接口,能与沥青搅拌机联机操作,并包含温度、火焰等传感器及其检测系统;具有2路模拟信号输出,信号类型0-20毫安,采用12位数值计数;具有8点开关量输入和8点开关量输出;具有梯形图编程接口,可连接计算机或人机界面
  • 抗干扰能力:在恶劣的工业环境中能正常运行,并具备抗干扰和抗振动能力
  • 应用领域:适用于各种需要控制和调节的工业应用场景
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
  • 售后服务完善: 我们提供完善的售后服务,一年质保



TRICONEX 3481是一款功能强大、性能稳定的工业自动化设备,适用于各种工业自动化领域。


  • 控制器类型:TRICONEX 3481
  • 操作方式:一键式启动和停止,具备手动和自动两种控制方式,并可以自由转换
  • 屏显内容:包括当前温度、风油门开度、目标值显示、故障自诊等
  • 控制能力:在手动控制状态下能单独控制风机、油泵、油门大、油门小、风门大、风门小、电点火、电磁阀等设备
  • 温度控制:温度控制能保证在目标值±3℃范围内,并具有超温报警保护措施(报警温度可由用户自由设定)
  • 接口与通讯:备有计算机通讯接口,能与沥青搅拌机联机操作,并包含温度、火焰等传感器及其检测系统;具有2路模拟信号输出,信号类型0-20毫安,采用12位数值计数;具有8点开关量输入和8点开关量输出;具有梯形图编程接口,可连接计算机或人机界面
  • 抗干扰能力:在恶劣的工业环境中能正常运行,并具备抗干扰和抗振动能力
  • 应用领域:适用于各种需要控制和调节的工业应用场景


  • 功能全面:TRICONEX 3481集成了多种控制功能,如一键式启动和停止、手动和自动两种控制方式、温度控制等
  • 性能稳定:在恶劣的工业环境中能正常运行,并具备抗干扰和抗振动能力
  • 易于操作:通过直观的屏显内容,用户可以轻松地了解设备状态和进行相应操作
  • 安全性高:具有超温报警保护措施,确保设备在安全范围内运行

应用领域:TRICONEX 3481广泛应用于石油、化工、制造、能源等工业领域,以及各种需要控制和调节的工业应用场景。其强大的功能和稳定的性能使其成为工业自动化领域的重要设备之一。

The TRICONEX 3481 is a powerful and stable industrial automation device suitable for various industrial automation applications.


  • Controller Type: TRICONEX 3481
  • Operating Mode: One-click start and stop, with manual and automatic control modes that can be freely switched
  • Display Content: Includes current temperature, throttle opening, target value display, fault self-diagnosis, etc.
  • Control Capability: In manual control mode, it can independently control equipment such as fans, oil pumps, large and small throttle valves, large and small wind doors, electric ignition, solenoid valves, etc.
  • Temperature Control: Temperature control can be maintained within ±3℃ of the target value, and has an over-temperature alarm protection measure (the alarm temperature can be freely set by the user)
  • Interfaces and Communications: Equipped with a computer communication interface for online operation with asphalt mixers; includes temperature, flame, and other sensors and their detection systems; has 2 analog signal outputs with a signal type of 0-20 mA using 12-bit numerical counting; has 8 switch inputs and 8 switch outputs; and a ladder diagram programming interface for connecting to computers or human-machine interfaces
  • Anti-Interference Capability: Can operate normally in harsh industrial environments and has anti-interference and anti-vibration capabilities
  • Application Fields: Suitable for various industrial scenarios that require control and regulation

Functional Characteristics:

  • Comprehensive Functionality: The TRICONEX 3481 integrates multiple control functions such as one-click start and stop, manual and automatic control modes, and temperature control
  • Stable Performance: Can operate normally in harsh industrial environments and has anti-interference and anti-vibration capabilities
  • Easy Operation: Users can easily understand device status and perform corresponding operations through intuitive display content
  • High Safety: Features an over-temperature alarm protection measure to ensure safe operation within specified limits

Application Fields: The TRICONEX 3481 is widely used in petroleum, chemical, manufacturing, energy, and other industrial fields, as well as various industrial scenarios that require control and regulation. Its powerful functionality and stable performance make it an essential device in the industrial automation field.

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