TRICONEX 3721 是一款数字量控制模块,专为工业自动化和过程控制系统设计。该模块具有数字输入和数字输出通道,能够监测和控制数字信号,广泛应用于需要高度可靠和安全性的系统中。


  • 输入电压:通常为24V DC
  • 输出电压:24V DC
  • 通信接口:可能包括以太网、串行接口(如RS232、RS485)、Modbus等
  • 工作温度范围:-40℃~70℃
  • 外形尺寸:根据具体型号有所不同,如数字输入卡为100mm×120mm×50mm,输出模块为176 x 117 x 43毫米
  • 重量:根据不同组件有所变化,如数字输入卡重200g,输出模块重0.88公斤
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
  • 售后服务完善: 我们提供完善的售后服务,一年质保



TRICONEX 3721 是一款数字量控制模块,专为工业自动化和过程控制系统设计。该模块具有数字输入和数字输出通道,能够监测和控制数字信号,广泛应用于需要高度可靠和安全性的系统中。


  • 输入电压:通常为24V DC
  • 输出电压:24V DC
  • 通信接口:可能包括以太网、串行接口(如RS232、RS485)、Modbus等
  • 工作温度范围:-40℃~70℃
  • 外形尺寸:根据具体型号有所不同,如数字输入卡为100mm×120mm×50mm,输出模块为176 x 117 x 43毫米
  • 重量:根据不同组件有所变化,如数字输入卡重200g,输出模块重0.88公斤



  • 数字输入:模块具有多个数字输入通道,用于连接传感器、开关或其他数字信号源,以监测设备状态或过程参数
  • 数字输出:模块具有数字输出通道,用于控制执行器、继电器或其他数字输出设备,执行特定的控制动作
  • 高可靠性:模块设计用于安全关键系统,具有高可靠性和安全性,确保系统的稳定运行和故障恢复
  • 快速响应:模块具有快速响应时间,能够及时检测输入信号变化并执行输出控制动作
  • 模块化设计:采用模块化设计,便于安装、维护和更换,可以根据需要灵活配置和扩展模块数量

TRICONEX 3721数字量控制模块主要应用于工业控制系统,特别是安全关键系统的控制和监测。它常见于石油化工、电力、制药等行业的生产过程中,确保系统的安全性和稳定性

The TRICONEX 3721 is a digital control module specifically designed for industrial automation and process control systems. It features digital input and output channels, enabling the monitoring and control of digital signals in systems that require a high degree of reliability and safety.


  • Input Voltage: Typically 24V DC
  • Output Voltage: 24V DC
  • Communication Interfaces: May include Ethernet, serial interfaces (such as RS232, RS485), Modbus, etc.
  • Operating Temperature Range: -40℃~70℃
  • Dimensions: Varies depending on the specific model, such as 100mm×120mm×50mm for digital input cards and 176 x 117 x 43mm for output modules
  • Weight: Varies based on components, such as 200g for digital input cards and 0.88 kilograms for output modules

Functional Characteristics:

  • Digital Inputs: The module possesses multiple digital input channels for connecting sensors, switches, or other digital signal sources to monitor equipment status or process parameters
  • Digital Outputs: It includes digital output channels for controlling actuators, relays, or other digital output devices to execute specific control actions
  • High Reliability: Designed for safety-critical systems, the module offers high reliability and safety, ensuring stable system operation and fault recovery
  • Fast Response: The module has a fast response time, enabling timely detection of input signal changes and execution of output control actions
  • Modular Design: Features a modular design that facilitates installation, maintenance, and replacement, allowing for flexible configuration and expansion of module quantities based on needs

Application Fields:
The TRICONEX 3721 digital control module is primarily used in industrial control systems, particularly for the control and monitoring of safety-critical systems. It is commonly found in production processes in industries such as petrochemicals, electricity, and pharmaceuticals, ensuring system safety and stability

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