SCXI-1100 NI

SCXI-1100是National Instruments(NI)公司的一款电源模块,主要用于SCXI(Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation)系列数据采集和信号调理系统。它主要用于为连接到SCXI系统的传感器和测量设备提供所需的电源供应。


  • 电源输出:通常具有多个电源输出通道,用于为传感器和设备提供电源。
  • 电压可调:支持可调电压输出,以满足不同传感器和设备的电源需求。
  • 保护机制:包括过电流和短路保护功能,以确保设备的安全运行。
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
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SCXI-1100 NI

SCXI-1100是National Instruments(NI)公司的一款电源模块,主要用于SCXI(Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation)系列数据采集和信号调理系统。它主要用于为连接到SCXI系统的传感器和测量设备提供所需的电源供应。


  • 电源输出:通常具有多个电源输出通道,用于为传感器和设备提供电源。
  • 电压可调:支持可调电压输出,以满足不同传感器和设备的电源需求。
  • 保护机制:包括过电流和短路保护功能,以确保设备的安全运行。


  • 模块化设计:允许用户根据应用的需要添加或更改模块,灵活性高。
  • 通信接口:通过SCXI系统的总线接口与其他模块和系统进行通信,实现数据传输和控制。


  • 实验室测量:用于为各种传感器和测量设备提供电源,进行数据采集和实验。
  • 自动化测试:为测试设备和传感器提供所需的电源。
  • 工业监测:用于监测和控制各种工业过程,如温度、压力、流量等参数的测量。
  • 研发和原型制作:快速连接和供电各种传感器和测量设备

The SCXI-1100 is a power module produced by National Instruments (NI), primarily designed for use in the SCXI (Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation) series of data acquisition and signal conditioning systems. Its main function is to provide the necessary power supply for sensors and measurement devices connected to the SCXI system.


  • Power Output: Typically equipped with multiple power output channels for powering sensors and devices.
  • Adjustable Voltage: Supports adjustable voltage output to meet the power requirements of various sensors and devices.
  • Protection Mechanisms: Includes overcurrent and short-circuit protection features to ensure the safe operation of equipment.

Functional Characteristics:

  • Modular Design: Allows users to add or change modules based on application needs, providing high flexibility.
  • Communication Interface: Communicates with other modules and systems through the SCXI system’s bus interface, enabling data transmission and control.

Application Fields:

  • Laboratory Measurements: Used to provide power to various sensors and measurement devices for data acquisition and experimentation.
  • Automated Testing: Supplies the required power for test equipment and sensors.
  • Industrial Monitoring: Used to monitor and control various industrial processes, such as temperature, pressure, and flow measurement.
  • Research and Prototype Development: Enables quick connection and power supply to various sensors and measurement devices

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