SCXI-1001 NI

SCXI-1001 NI是一款由National Instruments(NI)公司制造的数字输入模块,主要用于数据采集和测量应用。它提供了多通道的数字输入功能,能够实时采集和处理数字信号,满足各种工业控制和自动化测试的需求。


  • 通道数:提供多个独立的数字输入通道,支持同时采集多个信号。
  • 采样率:具有高速采样率,可以快速捕捉和转换数字信号。
  • 精度和分辨率:高精度的数字转换器和较高的分辨率,确保测量数据的准确性。
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SCXI-1001 NI

SCXI-1001 NI是一款由National Instruments(NI)公司制造的数字输入模块,主要用于数据采集和测量应用。它提供了多通道的数字输入功能,能够实时采集和处理数字信号,满足各种工业控制和自动化测试的需求。


  • 通道数:提供多个独立的数字输入通道,支持同时采集多个信号。
  • 采样率:具有高速采样率,可以快速捕捉和转换数字信号。
  • 精度和分辨率:高精度的数字转换器和较高的分辨率,确保测量数据的准确性。


  • 多通道输入:能够同时采集多个数字信号,提高数据采集的效率和灵活性。
  • 高速采样:高速采样率使得模块能够实时捕获快速变化的数字信号。
  • 高精度测量:高精度的数字转换器确保了数据的准确性和可靠性。


  • 实验室测量与测试:适用于各种物理实验、工程实验或科学研究项目的信号采集和测量。
  • 自动化测试系统:在自动化测试系统中,用于实时监测和记录数字信号,评估产品的性能和质量。
  • 工业控制与监测:用于工业自动化环境中的数字信号监测和控制,实现生产过程的实时控制和优化。

The SCXI-1001 NI is a digital input module manufactured by National Instruments (NI), primarily used for data acquisition and measurement applications. It offers multi-channel digital input capabilities, enabling real-time collection and processing of digital signals to meet various industrial control and automated testing needs.


  • Number of Channels: Provides multiple independent digital input channels, supporting the simultaneous acquisition of multiple signals.
  • Sampling Rate: Features a high-speed sampling rate for capturing and converting digital signals quickly.
  • Accuracy and Resolution: High-precision digital converters and high resolution ensure accurate measurement data.

Functional Characteristics:

  • Multi-channel Input: Capable of simultaneously collecting multiple digital signals, enhancing the efficiency and flexibility of data acquisition.
  • High-speed Sampling: The high sampling rate allows the module to capture rapidly changing digital signals in real-time.
  • High-precision Measurement: High-precision digital converters ensure accurate and reliable data.

Application Fields:

  • Laboratory Measurement and Testing: Suitable for signal acquisition and measurement in various physics experiments, engineering experiments, or scientific research projects.
  • Automated Testing Systems: Used in automated testing systems to monitor and record digital signals in real-time, evaluating product performance and quality.
  • Industrial Control and Monitoring: Employed in industrial automation environments for digital signal monitoring and control, enabling real-time control and optimization of production processes.

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