MC-PDIY22 80363972-150 HONEYWELL

Honeywell MC-PDIY22 80363972-150是Honeywell(霍尼韦尔)生产的一款开关量输入卡件。这款卡件通常用于将开关状态或离散信号输入到控制系统中,以实现与其他设备的通信和数据交换。


  • 输入电压范围:19.2至30 VDC
  • 输入电流:每个通道7 mA
  • 输入阻抗:3.1千欧姆
  • 输入信号电压:0至30 VDC
  • 输入信号电流:0.5 mA
  • 隔离电压:1500 VDC(通道间)
  • 浪涌电压:1 kV(1.2/50μs)
  • 工作温度范围:-40°C至+70°C
  • 储存温度范围:-40°C至+85°C
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
  • 售后服务完善: 我们提供完善的售后服务,一年质保


HONEYWELL MC-PDIY22-80363972-150

Honeywell MC-PDIY22 80363972-150是Honeywell(霍尼韦尔)生产的一款开关量输入卡件。这款卡件通常用于将开关状态或离散信号输入到控制系统中,以实现与其他设备的通信和数据交换。


  • 输入电压范围:19.2至30 VDC
  • 输入电流:每个通道7 mA
  • 输入阻抗:3.1千欧姆
  • 输入信号电压:0至30 VDC
  • 输入信号电流:0.5 mA
  • 隔离电压:1500 VDC(通道间)
  • 浪涌电压:1 kV(1.2/50μs)
  • 工作温度范围:-40°C至+70°C
  • 储存温度范围:-40°C至+85°C



  • 开关量输入:具有多个开关量输入通道,用于接收开关状态信号或其他离散输入信号。
  • 信号转换:将接收到的开关状态或离散信号转换为数字信号,以供控制系统进行处理和分析。
  • 高精度和可靠性:通常具有高精度的信号采集和转换能力,确保准确和可靠的信号输入。
  • 通信接口:可能具有适当的通信接口,以便与其他设备和系统进行数据交换和通信。
  • 配置和监测:可能支持配置和监测功能,以便对通道进行设置和监控。

Honeywell MC-PDIY22 80363972-150主要应用于工业控制系统,特别是需要接收和转换开关状态或离散信号的场合。这款卡件可广泛应用于自动化生产线、能源管理、楼宇自控等领域,帮助实现系统的智能化和高效化。

The Honeywell MC-PDIY22 80363972-150 is a switch input card produced by Honeywell. This card is typically used to input switch status or discrete signals into control systems, enabling communication and data exchange with other devices.


  • Input Voltage Range: 19.2 to 30 VDC
  • Input Current: 7 mA per channel
  • Input Impedance: 3.1 kOhms
  • Input Signal Voltage: 0 to 30 VDC
  • Input Signal Current: 0.5 mA
  • Isolation Voltage: 1500 VDC (between channels)
  • Surge Voltage: 1 kV (1.2/50μs)
  • Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +70°C
  • Storage Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C

Functional Features:

  • Switch Input: Features multiple switch input channels for receiving switch status signals or other discrete input signals.
  • Signal Conversion: Converts received switch status or discrete signals into digital signals for processing and analysis by the control system.
  • High Accuracy and Reliability: Typically offers high-precision signal acquisition and conversion capabilities, ensuring accurate and reliable signal input.
  • Communication Interface: May feature appropriate communication interfaces for data exchange and communication with other devices and systems.
  • Configuration and Monitoring: May support configuration and monitoring functions for easy channel setup and monitoring.

Application Fields:
The Honeywell MC-PDIY22 80363972-150 is primarily applied in industrial control systems, especially in situations where switch status or discrete signals need to be received and converted. This card is widely used in automated production lines, energy management, building automation, and other fields, assisting in the intelligent and efficient operation of systems.

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