Honeywell TC-PPD011

Honeywell TC-PPD011 是一款高性能的过程压力/差压变送器模块。该模块专为工业过程控制而设计,能够提供精确的压力和差压测量,并将这些测量值转换为标准输出信号,以便在工业自动化系统中进行进一步的处理和控制。


  • 测量范围:根据具体型号而定,覆盖广泛的压力和差压范围
  • 精度:±0.25% FS(根据具体型号而定)
  • 输出信号:4-20mA 或 0-10V DC(根据具体型号而定)
  • 电源要求:24V DC(根据具体型号而定)
  • 环境适应性:宽温范围,适用于各种恶劣的工业环境
  • 物理尺寸:紧凑设计,方便安装和集成
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
  • 售后服务完善: 我们提供完善的售后服务,一年质保


Honeywell TC-PPD011

Honeywell TC-PPD011 是一款高性能的过程压力/差压变送器模块。该模块专为工业过程控制而设计,能够提供精确的压力和差压测量,并将这些测量值转换为标准输出信号,以便在工业自动化系统中进行进一步的处理和控制。


  • 测量范围:根据具体型号而定,覆盖广泛的压力和差压范围
  • 精度:±0.25% FS(根据具体型号而定)
  • 输出信号:4-20mA 或 0-10V DC(根据具体型号而定)
  • 电源要求:24V DC(根据具体型号而定)
  • 环境适应性:宽温范围,适用于各种恶劣的工业环境
  • 物理尺寸:紧凑设计,方便安装和集成



  • 高精度测量:采用先进的传感技术和校准方法,确保精确的压力和差压测量。
  • 快速响应:快速的动态响应能力,能够捕捉到过程中的快速变化。
  • 稳定可靠:经过严格的环境测试和长期运行验证,确保在各种恶劣环境下都能稳定运行。
  • 易于集成:标准输出信号和紧凑的设计使得模块易于集成到各种工业自动化系统中。


Honeywell TC-PPD011 过程压力/差压变送器模块广泛应用于化工、石油、制药、电力、水处理等工业领域,为各种需要精确压力和差压测量的过程控制应用提供可靠的解决方案。

The Honeywell TC-PPD011 is a high-performance process pressure/differential pressure transducer module. Designed specifically for industrial process control, it provides accurate pressure and differential pressure measurements, converting these values into standard output signals for further processing and control within industrial automation systems.


  • Measurement Range: Depends on the specific model, covering a wide range of pressures and differential pressures
  • Accuracy: ±0.25% FS (depending on the specific model)
  • Output Signal: 4-20mA or 0-10V DC (depending on the specific model)
  • Power Requirements: 24V DC (depending on the specific model)
  • Environmental Adaptability: Wide temperature range, suitable for various harsh industrial environments
  • Physical Dimensions: Compact design for easy installation and integration

Functional Features:

  • High-Precision Measurement: Utilizes advanced sensing technology and calibration methods to ensure precise pressure and differential pressure measurements.
  • Fast Response: Quick dynamic response capability to capture rapid changes in the process.
  • Stable and Reliable: Rigorous environmental testing and long-term operational verification ensure stable operation under various harsh environments.
  • Easy Integration: Standard output signals and compact design make the module easy to integrate into various industrial automation systems.

Application Fields:

The Honeywell TC-PPD011 process pressure/differential pressure transducer module is widely used in industrial fields such as chemicals, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, power, water treatment, etc., providing reliable solutions for various process control applications that require precise pressure and differential pressure measurements.

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