ABB PP836A 3BSE042237R2

ABB PP836A 3BSE042237R2 是一款高性能触摸屏,通常用于工业自动化和控制系统中。它允许操作员与自动化系统进行交互,实现过程监测、设备控制、数据可视化以及报警和通知等功能。


  • 显示屏类型:8英寸TFT彩色触摸屏
  • 分辨率:1600 x 1200像素
  • 支持语言:多种语言
  • 输入输出接口:支持多种通信接口,如串口、USB接口、以太网接口等
  • 电源选项:支持12 V DC、24 V AC/DC等多种电源
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
  • 售后服务完善: 我们提供完善的售后服务,一年质保


ABB PP836A 3BSE042237R2

ABB PP836A 3BSE042237R2 是一款高性能触摸屏,通常用于工业自动化和控制系统中。它允许操作员与自动化系统进行交互,实现过程监测、设备控制、数据可视化以及报警和通知等功能。


  • 显示屏类型:8英寸TFT彩色触摸屏
  • 分辨率:1600 x 1200像素
  • 支持语言:多种语言
  • 输入输出接口:支持多种通信接口,如串口、USB接口、以太网接口等
  • 电源选项:支持12 V DC、24 V AC/DC等多种电源


  • 过程监测与控制:实时显示工业过程的温度、压力、流量、液位等参数,并提供操作员进行控制和调整的手段。
  • 数据可视化:以图形、图表等形式展示实时数据和趋势,帮助操作员直观了解系统状态。
  • 报警与通知:当系统发生异常或超出设定阈值时,及时生成报警并提供通知,确保操作员能够迅速响应。
  • 高可靠性:在恶劣的工业环境下也能稳定运行,保证系统的连续性和可靠性。


  • 工业自动化:用于生产线、机械设备和装配线的控制,提高生产效率和质量。
  • 过程控制:用于化工、制药、食品等行业的生产过程监控和控制。
  • 能源管理:在电力、水务等公用事业领域,用于监控和管理能源系统的运行状态。

The ABB PP836A 3BSE042237R2 is a high-performance touch screen commonly used in industrial automation and control systems. It enables operators to interact with automation systems, performing tasks such as process monitoring, equipment control, data visualization, and alarm notifications.


  • Display Type: 8-inch TFT color touch screen
  • Resolution: 1600 x 1200 pixels
  • Supported Languages: Multiple languages
  • Input/Output Interfaces: Supports various communication interfaces, such as serial ports, USB interfaces, and Ethernet interfaces
  • Power Options: Supports multiple power options including 12 V DC, 24 V AC/DC

Functional Characteristics:

  • Process Monitoring and Control: Displays real-time parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow rate, and level in industrial processes, and provides operators with means to control and adjust them.
  • Data Visualization: Presents real-time data and trends in graphical or chart formats, aiding operators in visually understanding system status.
  • Alarm and Notification: Generates alarms and notifications promptly when the system encounters abnormalities or exceeds set thresholds, ensuring operators can respond quickly.
  • High Reliability: Ensures stable operation in harsh industrial environments, maintaining system continuity and reliability.

Application Fields:

  • Industrial Automation: Used for controlling production lines, mechanical equipment, and assembly lines, improving production efficiency and quality.
  • Process Control: Applied in the monitoring and control of production processes in industries such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food processing.
  • Energy Management: Utilized in utilities sectors like power and water to monitor and manage the operational status of energy systems.

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