ABB PFEA112-20 3BSE030369R0020

BB PFEA112-20 是一种分散式张力控制系统,用于监测和控制连续材料(如纸张、薄膜、线缆等)在生产过程中的张力,以确保生产线的稳定性和产品质量12


  • 输入电压:24V DC
  • 工作温度:-25℃~ +55℃
  • 存储温度:-40℃~ +85℃
  • 相对湿度:5% ~ 95%(无冷凝)
  • 外形尺寸:36mm × 119mm × 73mm
  • 重量:180g
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
  • 售后服务完善: 我们提供完善的售后服务,一年质保


ABB PFEA112-20 3BSE030369R0020

BB PFEA112-20 是一种分散式张力控制系统,用于监测和控制连续材料(如纸张、薄膜、线缆等)在生产过程中的张力,以确保生产线的稳定性和产品质量12


  • 输入电压:24V DC
  • 工作温度:-25℃~ +55℃
  • 存储温度:-40℃~ +85℃
  • 相对湿度:5% ~ 95%(无冷凝)
  • 外形尺寸:36mm × 119mm × 73mm
  • 重量:180g


  • 多通道控制:允许同时控制多个张力装置或多个卷取系统
  • 高精度测量:提供高精度的张力测量,确保准确的张力控制
  • 通信接口:配备了多种通信接口,如以太网、Modbus、Profibus等,方便与其他设备进行数据交换和集成
  • 用户界面:通常配备用户友好的界面,允许操作员监测张力状态、设置参数和进行故障诊断
  • 可靠性和稳定性:设计为高可靠性和稳定性的工业设备


  • 印刷与涂覆:在印刷机和涂覆设备中,用于确保印刷材料或涂层在整个印刷或涂覆过程中的稳定张力
  • 纸张和卷材处理:用于卷筒纸、金属卷材、塑料薄膜等的生产和处理中,防止卷材紧张或松弛
  • 电缆和线缆生产:用于电缆和线缆的生产线上,确保导线和绝缘材料在整个制造过程中的正确张力
  • 纺织品生产:在纺织工业中,有助于确保纱线在整个纺织过程中的恰当张力
  • 拉伸和挤出过程:在拉伸和挤出生产中,用于保持拉伸或挤出设备中的材料在所需的张力范围内
  • 卷绕和解卷:在卷绕和解卷设备中,确保卷绕和解卷过程中的正确张力,以防止卷曲或变形

ABB PFEA112-20 is a distributed tension control system designed to monitor and control the tension of continuous materials (such as paper, film, cables, etc.) during the production process, ensuring the stability of the production line and product quality


  • Input Voltage: 24V DC
  • Operating Temperature: -25℃ to +55℃
  • Storage Temperature: -40℃ to +85℃
  • Relative Humidity: 5% to 95% (non-condensing)
  • Dimensions: 36mm × 119mm × 73mm
  • Weight: 180g

Functional Features

  • Multi-Channel Control: Allows simultaneous control of multiple tension devices or winding systems.
  • High-Precision Measurement: Provides accurate tension measurement for precise tension control.
  • Communication Interfaces: Equipped with various communication interfaces such as Ethernet, Modbus, Profibus, etc., for easy data exchange and integration with other devices.
  • User Interface: Typically comes with a user-friendly interface, allowing operators to monitor tension status, set parameters, and perform fault diagnosis.
  • Reliability and Stability: Designed as a highly reliable and stable industrial device.

Application Fields

  • Printing & Coating: Used in printing machines and coating equipment to ensure stable tension throughout the printing or coating process
  • Paper & Roll Material Processing: Applied in the production and processing of roll paper, metal rolls, plastic films, etc., to prevent tight or loose roll
  • Cable & Wire Production: Utilized in cable and wire production lines to ensure the correct tension of conductors and insulating materials throughout the manufacturing process.
  • Textile Production: Assists in ensuring appropriate tension of yarn throughout the textile production process

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