ABB LTC391AE01 HIEE401782R0001

ABB LTC391AE01 HIEE401782R0001是一款集成的网络交换机和多功能连接模块,是新机械控制器设计的核心。它内置了四个独立的以太网接口和一个集成的网络交换机,适用于各种PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)生态系统,提供稳定的数据通信接口,支持多种通信协议,并能在恶劣的工厂条件下保持数据完整性


  • 接口数量:内置四个独立的以太网接口。
  • 网络交换机:集成了一个网络交换机。
  • 通信协议支持:支持多种基于以太网的通信协议,如以太网和普罗菲内等
  • 编程特性:两个接口可编程,支持不同的基于以太网的协议
  • 发货速度快: 我们拥有专业的仓储和物流团队,能够保证您的订单快速发货
  • 品质保证: 我们所有产品均经过严格检验,确保品质优良
  • 售后服务完善: 我们提供完善的售后服务,一年质保


ABB LTC391AE01 HIEE401782R0001

ABB LTC391AE01 HIEE401782R0001是一款集成的网络交换机和多功能连接模块,是新机械控制器设计的核心。它内置了四个独立的以太网接口和一个集成的网络交换机,适用于各种PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)生态系统,提供稳定的数据通信接口,支持多种通信协议,并能在恶劣的工厂条件下保持数据完整性


  • 接口数量:内置四个独立的以太网接口。
  • 网络交换机:集成了一个网络交换机。
  • 通信协议支持:支持多种基于以太网的通信协议,如以太网和普罗菲内等
  • 编程特性:两个接口可编程,支持不同的基于以太网的协议


  • 稳定性:提供稳定的通信接口,确保数据在传输过程中的完整性和准确性
  • 兼容性:支持多种通信协议,可以与不同品牌的PLC和其他控制柜组件进行通信,提高系统的兼容性和灵活性
  • 简化集成:通过使用该模块,用户可以简化控制系统的集成过程,减少接口和通信问题的发生,提高系统的稳定性和可靠性
  • 适应性:适用于遗留系统,也适用于当今的网络,同时提供一个能够处理未来需求的软架构


  • 工业自动化:适用于工业自动化控制系统,提供可靠的数据通信和集成解决方案
  • PLC系统:与PLC以及其他控制柜组件(如伺服驱动控制器和继电器)建立接口和通信通道
  • 工厂环境:能够在最恶劣的工厂条件下保持数据完整性2

ABB LTC391AE01 HIEE401782R0001 is an integrated network switch and multifunction connectivity module that serves as the core of new machinery controller designs. It incorporates four independent Ethernet interfaces and an integrated network switch, suitable for various PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) ecosystems. It provides a stable data communication interface, supports multiple communication protocols, and maintains data integrity in harsh factory conditions


  • Interface Quantity: Four independent Ethernet interfaces are built-in.
  • Network Switch: An integrated network switch is included.
  • Communication Protocol Support: Supports multiple Ethernet-based communication protocols such as Ethernet and Profinet
  • Programming Features: Two interfaces are programmable, supporting different Ethernet-based protocols

Functional Characteristics

  • Stability: Provides a stable communication interface, ensuring data integrity and accuracy during transmission
  • Compatibility: Supports multiple communication protocols, enabling communication with PLCs and other control cabinet components from different brands, enhancing system compatibility and flexibility
  • Simplified Integration: By using this module, users can simplify the integration process of the control system, reduce interface and communication issues, and improve system stability and reliability
  • Adaptability: Suitable for both legacy systems and current networks, while providing a software architecture capable of handling future needs

Application Fields

  • Industrial Automation: Suitable for industrial automation control systems, providing reliable data communication and integration solutions.
  • PLC Systems: Establishes interfaces and communication channels with PLCs and other control cabinet components such as servo drive controllers and relays
  • Factory Environments: Able to maintain data integrity in the harshest factory conditions

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